Saturday, February 25, 2012

What is Interaction Design

The outcome of interaction design makes common everyday communication devices (mobile phones, instant messaging etc.) usable, useful and fun. Any time behavoir involving how a product works that delivers a good experience should involve interaction designers (Saffer D, 2010, p21).

Prof. Jongho put in a good point to say that there's a significant difference between UD/UXD.

User-centered Design = Philosophy
Interaction Design = Practice

In our team's group discussion (Michelle, Eun Jun and myself), our topic was to give a short presentation on the question—Discuss how the notion of the user-centered design has evolved alongside with the development of interaction design within the area of HCI.

We illustrated a point (on the right of the image) noting that interaction between the user and the computer in the past had factored little consideration as to how the user would interact with the product. That was not until when computers started to focus more towards software design (GUI), where applied art was introduced to enhance user experiences.

Recommended Reading Materials

Dan Saffer (2010) Chapter 1 to 5
Designing for Interaction, New Riders

This is Service Design Thinking

Bill Moggridge
Design Interaction

Donald Norman
Psychology of Everyday Things

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