World War 1 (ended 1919) caused an economical shift, political shift, and cultural shift all over Europe. Left Europe in financial ruin. Founded by architect Walter Gropius.
Bauhaus Philosophy
> Absence of Ornamentation
> Harmony of form and function
> Harmony of craftsmanship and mass production (smart design lowers costs, people were poor then)
IKEA a perfect example of a living legacy applying the philosophy of the Bauhaus.
User Experience + Sustainability + Innovation
Everything is design, every detail needs a design consideration.
As my project is drawing near to its end, I feel satisfied with the learning outcomes I've received throughout the project. Besides working on this independently, I have managed to streamline the project into something that is manageable within the time-frame, and I hope I will be able to communicate clearly what I wish to present when the time comes.
Social Impact
Considering what I have done and put together, my next steps adding further to considering returning and frequent visitors, is a long term overview about how tourism would impact Korea. While noting that the Hallyu Wave has brought a positive economical impact on Korea, from my experience seeing how Macau has transformed itself over the past 10 years into a Asian Las Vegas, this could be a leading insight to investigate on which may lead to seeing the big picture on tourism, beyond transportation.
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Although not actively applied throughout the project, Maslow's figure of needs has been a guiding pylon as I conducted my field research with tourists.
This is a summary write up of my individual project for my Master thesis submission at SADI.
A service design project for tourists in Seoul, investigating the traveling experience, particularly by using the Seoul Metro, and then design improvements through uncovering their needs.
The project employs ethnographic research into the experience of tourists from the perspective of the user. The process is broken down into 4 phases—Define, Discovery, Develop, and Deliver.
Key findings from the research identifies opportunities which then are translated into
designs and eventually narrated through a usage scenario and presented collectively on a service blueprint.
Innovation without emotion is uninteresting. Products without aesthetics are not compelling, brands without meaning is undesirable, and business without ethics is unsustainable (Marty Neumeier, pg17)
Going more in depth to sustainability and social change/responsibility.
This is a TED presentation by William Mcdonough, the founder of Cradle2Cradle, widely known for his large-scale environmentally sustainable projects including the Ford factory site that created the largest green roof, using the tools of trees to save 35 million dollars.
Notes C2C is a holistic economic, industrial and social framework that seeks to
create systems that are not just efficient but essentially waste free.
Even simply put, Cradle to Cradle is about being waste-free, being 'Green'.
Design is the signal of first intentions. So what is the 1st question? What is the intention?
Guardian: How can we secure local society, create world peace and save the environment?
Commerce: How do we generate prosperity?
Design: How do we love all children of all species of all time?
"Our goal is a delightfully diverse, safe, healthy and just world,
with clean air, water, soil, and power—economically equitably,
ecologically and elegantly enjoyed"—Cradle2Cradle
Competition = comes from the word Com-petare, which means Strive
together. It means that Olympic atheletes train together, they get fit
together and then they compete. The Williams sister trains together—one
of them wins.
By toxifiying themselves as the lowest cost producer (China) and send their products to the lowest cost distribution (Walmart, US), and US distributors sends them all their money—there would an environmental disaster.
Chapter 1 Notes on the Evolution of Design Thinking: A Work in Progress
Craig M. Vogel
nexus = connection or series of connection
New way of design thinking, to change their long and short-term strategies for developing new products and services.
To respond to the contantly social, economic, and technical forces (SET factors). The interaction of these 3 forces results in the emergence of new, "preferred" states for customers and consumers.
Design thinking must expand beyond the role in product and service development.
A great designer once said, “A good designer must be able to design
anything from a spoon to a city.” This means that the principles of good
design are universal, and that these same principles must be applied to
everything from logos to websites, to packaging, to planets.
The name of the great designer is Massimo Vignelli. He loves Helvetica. He design the American Airlines logo (the
only airlines logo to have not change their identity for the past 50
One of his favorite works, which is my favorite, is the New York City subway guide.
Types of Tourists–4 main categories
Tourists are classfied, according to their needs and their reasons for travelling. This brief categorization aids to identifiy the specific tourist needs for stakeholders involved in the tourism industry.
Business and professionals
Tourist who travel due to work related activities. It could be related to studying to seek a higher qualification or for medical reasons which are unavailable in their own countries Reason for traveling: Attending a conference or tradeshow, company incentive trip or cosmetic surgery
Leisure and holiday
This can be broken into 4 sub categories—Adventure, cultural, eco, and leisure.
Reason for traveling: Shopping, visiting UNESCO world heritage sites, skiing or attending a festival i.e. World Cup 2006 (Korea/Japan)
Visiting friends and relatives
A new an emerging tourist as globalization and advancement of technology enables people to migrate and travel conveniently.
Reason for traveling: Attending a friend’s wedding or attending a funeral
Youth tourists
Gap year students who travel in between their education or just before they embark with their career. This could be group travellers or individuals such as backpackers who are low-budget travellers.
Reason for traveling: Exploration, gaining life experiences