Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Q & A with Mike Nuttall

IDEO workshop series with Mike Nuttall. Day 3 of 3

Consumer electronics hardware is disappearing.

The business model of Apple = Imagine the revenue ration per designer

Opportunity in automobile designs

1 word to describe good design is Effortless

2 types of patents
1. Utility patents, to protect intrisic detail, highly valuable
2. Design patents, waste of time, only protects against someone making an exact copy

To be successful, designers need to be 'T-shaped', as a product designer, he/she needs to be an expert in product development. Horizontal and vertical planes need to be both paid attention to. You have to speak the language of other stakeholders; other stakeholders usually have a bigger voice than designers.

Keyword to good design is Resolution, to cover all aspects and have a strong rationale behind every detail.

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