Friday, March 9, 2012

Competitive Analysis / Vision Prototyping

(part of creating a Design Strategy. Saffer D, 2009 Designing for Interaction, Chapter 3)

Competitive Analysis's purpose is to build a stronger reasoning and background for the purpose of the project.

Class Activity
> List possible competitors

> Generate -3 criterion (conditions). Arrange these identified competitors using the identified criteria

> Conduct a competitive analysis

> Identify a gap, which can be described as unmet user needs, unidentified user groups, unsatisfied experiences, and so on.

Vision Prototyping

To determine the value proposition.

Providing reasoning to how you foresee the reason for user to purchase your product

It is essential to provide some form of visual representation to give stakeholders something tangible to visualize. It can be in the form of 3D or 2D.


Bill Moggridge addressing Service Design and Vision prototyping (from 5:30)

Prototyping and idea or service can be delivered through story-telling, it's about narrative i.e, cartoons, storyboards, video or film.


Assignment 4, Week 4 (Chapter 4)

> Hunt statement for research
> Identify specific user research methods that you want to conduct fir your project and then describe things that you can learn from the research outcomes

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