Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Healthy Living Experience — Reflections

The outline for the ADX408 final assignment is captured in the points below:

> Create a new product, service, and/or brand communication concept for healthy living based on experience based design framework and process
> Define healthy from consumers point of view
> Consider using 4 pleasurable products model
> Consider enhancing brand experience
> Must include 'Branding Elements' (experiential, functional, rational, cultural, emotional, visual)
> Outcome must be based on conclusive research

Physical health > exercise > running > sports
Healthy Mental Thoughts > values, ideologies
Healthy relationships > communities
Healthy food > Kimchi, Nato beans > going vegeterian
Healthy lifestyle > sleeping early, eating well, smoking, gambling
Healthy skin > beauty > cosmetics
Sustainability > being 'eco-minded'

A Healthy Living Brand?

Who needs to be healthy? How does that person needs to be healthy?

How can ECO be healthy?

Organic means natural, generally associated with high quality.

If Organic = Healthy
and if Organic = Expensive
then is Healthy = Expensive?

Why is organic expensive. More natural, means more care. More care means more manpower. So how do you increase the care without increasing manpower?

Will organic products ALWAYS be more expensive?

What if we only have access to organic products?

How can I introduce means to live healthy inexpensively?

What if shoppers in supermarkets worldwide would be well informed of healthy choices while shopping for groceries?

Learning from a similar industry is the line of beauty/health-care products, how do they succeed? Why does it keep growing? How can I apply the business model from another industry into mine?

Aiming towards Korean kids, eat your Kimchi. It is the #2 healthiest food in the world. You have access to it, others don't. How? Home education. Talk to parents. Parents must first believe in Kimchi. KIMCHI POWER.

Is there such a thing as Organic Korean Kimchi? Or are all Kimchi's organic even though the preparation process is through fermentation.

Knowing the fact that Kimchi is already healthy. What if there is an ultimate, healthiest Kimchi, made from the finest, most organic ingredients cultivated in the greenest of lands on earth. Let's sell the most luxurious, most expensive Kimchi to the most affluent people around.

Farmers Union Iced Coffee outsells Coca-Cola in South Australia, making it the only place in the world where a milk drink outsells a cola product. Since milk is healthier than a soda, how can I use the success of this example to promote a healthy living experience? Take this concept and perhaps have a Farmers Union Iced Coffee cafe in Seoul? How about a latte cafe that serves everything latte?

Technology is taking over our life. Do away with the gadgets, televisions, and computers, and spend time being outdoors. Go for a walk instead of clinging on to the screen at home. This is healthy living. Promotion of a campaign to promote awareness?

Live healthy, sleep early. Get up early. Create a device to enforce/encourage such a lifestyle.

Possible outcomes: Logo, website, brochures, products (packaging)

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