Monday, March 12, 2012

Experience Design & UX Trends

1 of 3 Lecture series with Prof Kyoung Soon Oh

User Experience Design (UXD) is how a product is perceived, learned and used.

Richard Anderson's keyword survey on the definition of UXD
Usability, Consumer experience, User centered design, Customer experience, User interface, Interaction design, Experience design, User satisfaction, Customer satisfaction, Ease of use, Experience, Customer journey, User Interface design, Human factor, Interface design

What is important is the entire experience, from when i first hear about the product to purchasing it, to opening the box, to getting it running, to getting service, to maintaining, to upgrading it. Everything matters: industrial design, graphics design, instructional design, all the usability, the behavioral design.
—Don Norman, 2000 HCI

UXD from 3 perspectives
Desirable by the User / Feaibile by the Engineer / Viable by the Manager
Ease of Understanding / Ease of Use / Pleasure of use

To provide the pleasure of use in the product or services. There are many researches of Emotional Usability

UXD is the Holistic Solution that provides Total Experience to users while they are accessing a product or services in various touch points.

UID: The overall process of designing the interaction between a user and a device
IND: Designing of tasks and behaviors
IA: Organization of information that is logical and understandable
Usability: Measuring of ease of use a system or applications
HCI: The study of interaction between people (users) and computers
Human Factors Engineering (Ergonomics): The study of optimizing the interface between people and objects or systems they interact with
SD: Intergrated design of solutions or services between users and h/w, s/w, online and offline within a context

User Experience Trends

Change of UI Tech (immersive, hybrid)

1. Graphic Based UI > Multi-Modal UI > 3D, 4D & hybrud (Haptic, Auditory, Tangible, Olfactory
2. Functional based UI > Contextual & Evolving UI (Augmented reliaty, Seneory)
3. Experiential

Market trends
From Technical, Functional + Emotional
Products should be loved (Steve Jobs)

Lovemarks by Saatchi & Saatchi / Kevin Roberts

In order to create the customer's royalty, companies provide the best user experience to them. Brand strategy is not enough to do that.

— a new product > Trademark > Brand > Lovemark
— To create the lovemark for the maximized UX Design
1. Make a product myserious— great stories, past, present future, myth, icons, inspiration
2. Using sensibility
3. Create intimacy between products and customers. Creates commitment, empathy and passion

Target audience should not be drawn towards classification of age groups, gender etc. but towards activities (or tribes).

Brands can be identified by their sounds. Here's a good example below:


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