Design is a process of creation, evaluation, selection, and arrangement
— James L. Harrison
Design is not a noun but a planning, doing research, thinking and making a decision of a direction. Design is defining problems and a problem solving process
— Steven Tolleson in Design Methodology
Consider activities. Think about the verb rather than the noun. i.e. when designing a chair, think about reading, eating, resting, instead of legs, arm-rest etc.
UX Framework
Physical > Size, shape, colours, materials
Cognitive > Language, symbols, controls
Social > Information interactions, trusting members
Cultural > Values shared, beliefs shared, supportive organization, accepted habits
Emotional > Interested, happy, calm, friendly
User Experience Design is a interdisciplinary collaboration (including the user)
<Process Positioning Map, Institute of Design, IIT>
UXD Process (manufacturing) is a con-current engineering process involving product design, software development, mechanical and electronic engineering. BECAUSE our product life cycle is getting shorter and shorter.
<Design Innovation Process, Institute of Design, IIT>
7 Steps of UX Design Process
1. Research Activity
Trend Analysis
Based on project category, research about market, technology, design, social & cultural, economic, political, environmental trends, and target customer's lifestyle.
Methodology: Desk research, visiting trend sites, interviewing with experts
Competitive Analysis
This activity is good for the product positioning by comparison of competitor product design, feature, price, technology etc.
Know users
Dimension categoris of users
Demographics, Psycho-graphics, Geographic, Behavioral
UCD approach in User Research
UCD approach is that based on the user's point of view, we hae to design and develop products by potential customers involving to generate ideas and opinos in the product development process
> who are the target users?
> What are the users abilities?
> What are the users needs?
> What are the users expectations>
> What are the users goals?
> What are the users task to finish their goals?
> What is the user physical and social environment?
> UCD Methodologies / Expert analysis, Participatory Design, User Testing
User needs and goals (checklist to check out suiting for each category)
> technical affordance
> social context
> physical and mental affordance
> more aspects
Build user profile
Identifying various users based on the purchaser, users, etc. who display their characteristics, attitude, personality.
> Target customers demographic data
> This data is good for users awareness of a certain product
> This data is good for finding out target users motivation to buy a certain product as well as their goal to use it.
i.e. Purchaser could be the parent buying toys for their children who are the user.
Grouping Users
Based on the user profile report, it is possible to cluster users into 3~4 groups according to users various characteristics, suuch as age group, gener, experience of a certain product etc.
> Cluster based on the users profile
>Clustering users skilled level to a certain technology or awareness level to the certain infor
> Dividing a main user group...
Case study of user grouping
User Groups Mapping
Designer can clarify using two very significant factors (trends, elements, insights, categoris) and get some insights for the clarifying the users
> Active Explorers AR
> Affectionate Enthusiats RH
> Canine Commanders AO
> Dependents HO
Make generalizarion
Research spectrum 1
> Exploratory (guerilla research, field observation) shadow tracking
> Semi-structured (beeper studies, diary writing studies, disposable camera) video ethnography
> Structured (Interviews (FGI, FGD, experimental lab studies)
Research spectrum 2
Design research frame (SonicRim
Say > interview
Do > artefact analysis, self-documentation, observation
Make > velcro modeling, cognitive mapping, lifestyle scenario
User mental model analysis
In order to find out users mental model (users instinct, knowledge and understanding), we should identify what the users expectation is in use a certain product or service. Furthermore we have to identify priority of function, goal, task and critical factor of the product. To do so, we encourage user participatory design process.
> Sample user mental model
> Encourage user participation
> Use Card Sorting method
> Use Affinity Diagramming
Building a persona
Who are the users
What are the activitis they wish to perform
Why they might use/buy/wear/visit our product (motivations)
How our product/service fits into the context of their life.
> Setup main persona
> Setup sub persona
Personas (a character representing a particular user type within a targeted demographic)
> Manage and share research
> Represents important patterns about behavior
> Provide a user perspective for guiding design
> Prompt new design possibilities and features
> Can trigger further research
Persona components
Building a persona
Name, age, background, family etc, role job, occupation, leisure acitivities, hobbies
What are they trying to achieve? What are they trying to cachieve this?
Technical use (tools, ability, access points)
Project Engagement
What is their relationship to the brand/service/product? What triggers the interaction? What are similar brands they might use?
Persona building process
1. Analysis research
2. Finding patterns
3. Identifying personas
4. persona collage
Creating user scenario
Case 1
A scenario is a narrative describing foreseeable interactions of types of users and the product or service. Scenarios include information about goals, expectations, motivations, actions and reactions. Scenarios are neither predictions nor forecsts, but rather attempts to refelct on or portray the way in which a product or service isued in the context of daily activity.
In the users context, we can identfy users need and usgae flow that are becomign UI framework
> scenario shoudl be build based on the persona
> user goal should be idenfied by user task.
> for illustrating of scenario are various (storytelling with description, story board)
Case 2
Modular script scenario method. Tells a story based on process below.
users> actions > objects > intention > sources > user state > external contexts > contexts
Task Analysis
Case 1
When users use various function of products or services to achieve the specific goal and tasks, UI designers should understan dthe users behavior and actions to do it in every step. By analysis of them, it is possible to find out the most efficient and natural task flow.
> Understand users need (based on the priority)
> Analysis users goal(big), task, action(small) (close or conflict relations)
> Analysis between task and component relationship
Case 2
Fish diagram. To analyze tasks. Great for making users manual.
OOB = Out of Box Experience
Prioritize Features
Desired Functionality(scenarios) against Customer Need / Business Value / Technical Feasibility / Overall Score
Concept definition
User scneario and the result of task analysis, it is possible to define UI concept.
> define basic UI concept of GUI, PUI and AUI
> describe UI technology and feature
> describe main function, task and product design concept
> define basic interaction concept
> describe target customer and market
Visual Design Strategy
Visual metaphor (moodboard method) i.e. nature, texture
Colour Strategy
3. Materialization (protoyping)
Making UI flipbook and review
ROI (open field to explore models and methodologies)
Internal ROI > External ROI > Development > Sales > In Use
The ideal design process suits each company's business field and direction. To do that, the company should customize its design process as well as evolve it over time
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